Sunday, September 19, 2004

Liberals, Conservatives and other such ideas.

"Without a noise, without my pride, I reach out from my inside."  Peter Gabriel

I laughed deep inside myself last night sending echoes of the irony bouncing off the hallway walls.  Fox spoke about the liberals being so against Bush.  Everything seemed to be as it always was in the "We against Them" reports; but then something caught me off guard. 

I began thinking of Bush's economic vision for our country, his "Forward Movement" policies he hopes to concentrate on in the next term.  I thought of Kerry in contrast as he sought to have us help him pass regulatory measures in regards to how we do business abroad, which at first had me wondering if Kerry isn't just ahead of his time. But what had crept into the recess of my mind was this idea of liberalism and conservatism. As the thoughts matured, my heart cried to my mind, "Examine how liberal Bush is and how conservative Kerry is."  And to think that folks think liberals are all fanatics.  Perhaps they are right, but if you check out the foreign policies that have been forged in the past 3 years, our response to the towers coming down, and our participation in the WTO; these are all products of liberalism--capitalistic yes, but liberal none the less.

Then I remembered Kerry's first speech regarding his hopes in regulating all industrial, including global industrial practices.  It occured to me how utterly conservative he is on these issues.  That's okay as long as it doesn't involve sanctions.  For time and time again we have used sanctions to wake up the nations to the fact we weren't taking any of their shit.  Meanwhile the everyday people like you and I are the ones who end up suffering and suffering severely.  Such ideas haven't worked for us since the mid-1900's and have led us into expensive conflicts, wars even.  Kerry did not disappoint me in his second addressing of the subject where it was obvious his ideologies were beginning to mature. He then admitted that global industry has its value, but with great emotion he also admitted that he wished we could just become a self-sufficient country and that if he could find a way to make that happen; he surely would.

So here we have two different men, passionate about their ideas for the directions their hopes will lead us to- the president a liberal and the opposing running mate, our senator- a conservative. Both men possess qualities I can get behind, but Kerryrepresents 8 out of 10 concepts I differ with Bush on.  However, Bush has one important concept I happen to agree on and I do so with great passion, for its a subject that is close to my heart.  That is the death penalty stance.  I'm for it. It's the hardest penalty to file suit for, therefore; its the least filed suit even when there is the need for it.  Due process turns it into a long line of appeals, but its worth it all because it doesn't make sense to keep one of these people alive as was the case of the Los Angelos and Orange County "Ice Pic" murderers involving young men and boys, the rape and torture of them unto their deaths. Bush supports the death penalty.  Okay, okay, so he is a tad quick on the draw, but most of us are not.  On the other hand, Kerry doesn't agree with it and thinks of it as inhumane.  The inhumane practices of others gets them inhumane treatment and that's is as it should be. Enough said. 

Both candidates share something in common in an abstract way.  Bush conceals his truths while Kerry exposes his.  I wish both men could find a way of knowing when to bring truth to light and when to conceal some truths.  Our so called Homeland security will one day come to depend on this skill. There are so many rumors that could be dispelled in both camps if only they would employ the grace of balance. Neither do, but they are human-given to human motives.  Selah. 

Often you won't see the emotion behind my ideas because I steep my recent writings inside facts you can all verify.  Know that, I don't put emotion with facts right now because to do so would cause me to flip-flop on issues as I evolve and mature in my discoveries.  Do they burn my butt?  You betcha. When I go emotional in my writing, it calls for me to put myself in the shoes of those I write and research about.  This I do, but, I keep my passions to myself or I'd be arguing both sides of the coin and would accomplish nothing. 

My entire reason for writing anything of a global and American nature is to urge everyone out there to please consider the facts, not the propaganda coming out of our media.  Please, folks, research and discuss.  Don't be afraid to be wrong.  How else will you ever hear another person's point of view? Lots of gems come from those you may disagree with.  Train yourselves to read between the lines.  When you go to vote, do it without emotion; leave your emotions at home.  Vote because you are armed with the  facts.   

Thank you....from Chelle aka Lana Wolfe.

Now, I want you folks to go seek information on what Japan has been busying itself with.  Start with Kyodo News and allow your research to mature from there.  That is what I'll do a short ditty on next, that or how I think local legislation should be passed and enforced.  Until then, I sure thank you for reading.   Cheers.


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