Friday, September 17, 2004

While the Homo Sapiens were engaged in their evolutionary walk upon the face of this earth, there was a paradise sequestered from the rest of the world.  Within that paradise were two beings who carried the breath of God.  The only command was to avoid eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, right next to the Tree of Life.  It came to pass that the two as of yet unnamed individuals were frollicking amidst the fern and flowers with bees buzzing here and there.  The appendage between the mans legs rose and the woman stood in awe.  She exclaimed, "You are growing a tree!"  She plunked down on her haunches and paid homage to this proud shoot.  She brought the man pleasure and he pleasured her too.

Not long after they found themselves fully satisfied, God appeared and saw their innocence was no longer in place by the matured expressions they wore.  "I see you have discovered one of the trees I told you to avoid."  The two stood there shocked, for they had never really seen the trees God had warned them about. 

Guilty, the man in his own defense said, "That woman you gave me, its her fault."

Equally as guilty, she pointed between the man's legs and said, "The serpent beguiled me!"

In a nutshell, they discovered that the tree of knowledge brought them the tree of life and today, our overpopulation seems to support that.

Innocence: 0  Serpent: Millions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McDonald;s- billions served