They are talking on MSNBC about Zell Miller, how he was manipulated in 92 and how he was again at Bush's Campaign. It came out that he did not do his own research nor did he ask for proofs--these are people that are very close to Mr. Miller. What does that have to do with the price of crude oil? Then Bush is piped in saying, "We stand for the culture of the people." Guess we are his pearls. Wonder if we will be traded for oil and Natural Gas someday.
Two blocks away from me, some three years ago, a man converted his fuel driven car to electricity fueled with a hydrogen cell battery. It cost him 4grand to do it. Basic conversion kits cost 600bucks, however to develop your own battery working from hydrogen is expensive. The other downside of the battery(if you could call it a problem) is what to do with all the potable water this battery generates. I'll include some links for those who are interested in this environmentally safe way to fuel our cars. My point is, we don't need the cache of natural gas and oil from other countries.
Two years ago, companies like Shell and Exxon, along with other companies around the globe scoffed at this, still, they all put bids on the patent rights just in case it ever came to that. With what we know about gasses and their warming tendencies; I want to know why they just didn't start pushing right then for this "greener" way of bringing energy to us. Money, folks. Hydrogen is everywhere. The energy is cheap. You can't make enough money off of it to fuel the source of big industries craving for global positioning or power. There is something else you city dwelling folks might find interesting. If you look at your city by-laws you'll find that you must subscribe to city,county,and state run municipalities. In other words, you may not make your own energy, even though it is possible for you to do so. Why? It would become tax free energy. Again, it becomes an issue of money. If we became independent of industry, there would be no money for homeland security or to wage war against anyone. So, we allow industries to own energy grids and water storage rights, but we don't allow the citizens the same rights. Interesting. Pause and really think about this.
So we are off fighting a war, which I'll write about next, and this war is being fueled by money with Industry as our mighty leader, not Bush, but industry. The contracts we made have brought hell to this earth and Cheney is pushing us forward to this voracious attack. He sugar coats this war with fear, terror, American Democracy (which he couldn't give a shit about) as he seeks to grab in 123 countries what does not belong to him; nor does it belong to us. He sells prosperity to countries that will never succumb to our brand of democracy in exchange for profits which we will never see. His clients aren't so much American, but countries like China where he sells his products procurring hefty profits our country never sees. Pause and think about this. Go find the facts. Think some more. Pause and pray.
Where he does his business and procures his profits; these are the people we have fought every war and skirmish with since 1988. Go, Haliburton, Go.
When you vote this election, this is one of the issues we are being distracted from considering. As one accusation after another is hurled against their opponents, and one grandiose promise after another is made; they rest secured in their knowlege that the American people really want cheerleaders and don't really want to know what is being done in our name in this world, nor do we want the responsibility for awakening the Jihad amongst us. Jihad must be awakened before there can be terror. We woke the sleeping giant. We the American people woke the Terror and we don't know how; we don't believe it was our fault; we don't understand. Our mottos through the right wing and moderate camps have become, "Get those evil shits before they get us," and "Let's make a martyr out of every last one of them."--evangelical leader, Pat Robertson.
Next blog I write will be understanding what a jihad is. Try not to be offended if you decide to read it. Oh, and here go some links about Hydrogen Power--not the best available, just a place to start.
- Hydrogen Power
- Plans to build a Hydrogen Generator Run your Car on Water! - Fuel Cell Energy Research
- ABI Research offers Fuel Cells & Energy research and analysis - Fuel Cell Companies
- Directory of fuel cell companies & technologies, weekly newsletter.
One more thing:
Sen. Graham Book Bombshell: Proof of 9/11 Cover-Up
Remember when Graham was running for the Dem. nomination, and said he had the goods on the Bush Administration? Well, here it is:
If you are doing this to change peoples minds from voting for Bush you will probably not succeed. Most people that will listen to all this already made up their minds to vote against Bush. As far as I am concerned I would have to be committed to an insane asylum to vote for John Kerry and John Edwards.
You can vote for Kerry because you are against war, but ponder this fact; John Kerry and John Edwards both voted to give President Bush the authority to go into Iraq and remove Saddam. Kerry with all him flip flopping, he still says he would have given Bush the authority even knowing what he knows now. John Kerry is the most spineless bafoon I have ever seen and I sure as heck don't want him as my President.
Mr. Dad, do you really think that the American public is so stupid that a lil ol hairdresser like me could ever be any kind of influence? Come on. The Americans know how to find facts for themselves. I'm just writing what I believe to be true. You might say, I've got a right to my own dellusions; wouldn't you. My rebuttal would be, "Damn skippiee, mister." It is our first ammendment right.
What I am glad about, is that you are reading. Thank you for not only showing interest, but also for taking the time to respond. Two things that bug me about these response comments; no spellcheck is available, nor can you say much. Oh, well. I look forward to your comments. Hey, maybe between you and I, we can help people to find some facts on their own. Maybe they will learn that it is okay to disagree. Who really knows. Oh, and Mr. Dad, I'm anti-Cheney, not anti-Bush. That is pretty plain to see. Go Kerry, Go! <smile>
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