Thursday, September 23, 2004

God's gift to the United States: Democracy

I've been told that I lack emotion by one reader and have been told I'm overly emotional by another.  My answer to both is that this isn't about me and because this is MY journal, I can make it about me if I so choose.  All others are merely guests here, guests that I can cut off any time I wish.  Because I believe in the first ammendment rights for all including CBS, I won't deprive people from speaking what is on their mind or what is in their heart.  That being said, I'll get down to the heart of this entry.

Name me one country that full out Democracy works for.  England?  No.  They are a parliment with some democratic ideals--same thing for Australia.  Lots of countries have democractic ideas.  I'm telling you straight up, the Islamic countries weren't meant to have a full out Democracy.  Democracy belongs to the United States.  Our forefathers fought to break away from a Parlimentary rule and succeeded.  Their reward was Democracy.  We were meant to provide a Democracy for all who come to live in the land of the United States of America.  We were never meant to force our Democracy on other nations.  But what are we doing?  According to Bush in his address to the United Nations, we are bringing democracy to Ruwanda, Zimbawee, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and several other countries, and we dare to believe we must put our Democratic yoke about the necks of the folks in Iraq.

Yesterday, I spent a great deal of my day listening to people from Iraq.  Their wants are really quite simple.  They were once very glad we were there to bring them their freedom.  They wanted Sadam to go away.  He did.  They now want us gone.  Why?  One woman said, I want to go to the market again but the bombs over my head keep me from leaving.  Last week, she said, even their homes were not safe as an American bomb hit the house of a neighbor one block away, leveling 4 apartment dwellings as well.  One man said, day and night is fighting--Americans and terrorists.  If only the Americans would leave, then maybe the terrorists would take the fight to another place.  Seems simple enough to me folks.  I know I don't want to hear fighting in my area, or at my market.  It is hard for me to fathom such a thing, but for them, its every day all day,day in and day out.  I would imagine that could get old after a few days.  This war has been going on since March 2003. 

Now in regards to hostages who were beheaded.  We were asked to release 2 female hostages.  Bush said we didn't have any hostages.  The fucking terrorists killed a hostage and made the same demand of us once again, sure we had their 2 female hostages.  They gave Bush time to respond and this time he said, "We haven't imprisoned any females.  We are only holding them as suspected insurgents."  We didn't heed and they killed another.  As you know, they are now going down the list to try to get those 2 women out.  They aren't telling us why those women are so important--2 of bin Laden's wives maybe?  After all he does have 4 wives.  Who knows. 

With all the polls we are doing on who should be our next leader, surely we can do some polls in Iraq and ask what those people want us to do there.  I suggest we do that and then if possible, honor their requests.  Time is fast drawing in on us and regardless of who our leader is, we are steeped monitarily, militarily and with our pride smack dab in the middle of bedlam.  Perhaps its time we listen and take our funding, our military and our pride from their midst back to the land where those things are appreciated, home.

As British citizen Kenneth Bigley is pleading for his life, we should really think about what we are doing.  Remember, these terrorists know better how to play on our fears than Bush does.  They only have to kill one person at a time to make a much more compelling impact than all the people we have lost and killed in our war on weapons of mass destruction, our war against Sadam, and our war on terrorism.  Three wars, one after the other and yet, the terrorists seem to be winning.  Bring our national guard back home to guard our boarders.  This is where they belong, not fighting a foreign war.  Two boarder patrol guards were found with their heads cut off just two days ago.  The M.O. is a familiar one, and we are now more vunerable than we have ever been as we have no national guard to help our border patrol personnel.  They should be home protecting the folks in Florida from looters.  Bring them home to us. 


Anonymous said...

Maybe if the present administration would allow the caskets of Americans killed in Irag to be seen by the American people, it too would have the impact of the hideous, barbarian, beheadings that are going on.

Anonymous said...

Chelle...I agree 100%...for what it's worth. I'm sure you speak for most of's just that some are afraid to admit it. I'm not. KERRY in '04!

Anonymous said...

Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Lock up the streets and houses
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together now

Hand out the arms and ammo
We're going to blast our way through here
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
And you know that it's right

We have got to get it together
We have got to get it together

"If ya want'ta stop war 'n stuff , ya have to sing loud."
Arlo Guthrie-alice's resturant.

is it too late to become a weatherman?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused by your idea that other countries are not democracies but the US alone is. It's not well-formed, accurate or in any way backed-up by any kind of substance.

Anonymous said...

Insom,  cite me your examples and I'll be glad to prove my point to you.