Saturday, September 4, 2004

When two or more fail to communicate; War is born.

With people facing the torments of Hurricane Frances, I find it laborious to consider why we are at war.  None the less, this average citizen of the U.S.A. has been relentless in my pursuit of truth.  Historically, we could have prevented war and certainly the wars around the globe have our red, white, and blue marks all over them, under the pretense of liberty and freedom, also an evolved invention of ours. I want us all to be made aware of our part in this war, but it would seem that our leaders of this current regime are hell bent on keeping the truth from us. 

Truth must come out, but it is really sad that the silence of our leaders have resulted in beheadings of innocent people, death of our youth as they try to set order in a place that has been terribly raped by religious zealots (sudan, iraq, afghanistan, chechnya, pakistan, etc), and monumental sacrifices of those unaware who worked in targets where protection was promised.  In the light of the consequences of our global policies which we the U.S.A. believed we had the right to effect for all others, we are still being kept in the dark in regards to our actions that brought every last torture down upon us.

That being said,  I've got a message for these religious zealots.  Where were you when Sadam was humiliating and torturing innocent muslims?  Where were you when children were deprived of education?  Where were you when the elite of your countries took all aide meant for the suffering classes and spent it to build a wall of protection around some unseen throne?  Where were you when industry came and raped your lands and where were you when people cried out to Allah for mercy?  I'll tell you where: you were enjoying sweetened coffee amongst your pals; you were enjoying rights that belonged only to the citizens of the various countries you intended to target, including the rights to an education; you were making plans to kill many others consistently to get out an age old message about your beliefs.  Your prejudice betrays you and may it tighten the results of it around your neck and choke your life out of you.  May you never know the grace Allah would extend to you. Selah.

I'll share this with you, oh friends and foes of the people of this world.  Darkness is darkness and dares to snuff out the light of truth.  Blinded by lies fueled by a few truths you carry out your tasks in this darkness; like a vampire you suck the life out of the living and render them into a non-party of the walking dead.  You have no cross to bear-nothing to lose(at least thats what you would have your enemy believe as you drive a car filled with explosives into your next target).  As for the darkness of your enemy, few will ever know that darkness face to face because they have come to depend on that darkness, fueling its compunction to procreate; its reserves coming from the bottomless pit are endless.  Between you two factions, you have procured darkness for our eternity and believe you are the light.  Deluded and grandiose ones, may you suffer at the hand of Absolute power, the same power that rules the heavenlies and the same power who will defeat the enemies of our creator.

My real hope is that our Father won't dawdle too long and the people of this world will rise to offer praises in spite of the consequences of your actions.  May our hopes be met so you can observe that maybe, just maybe, you could have got your message and product out in more humane ways.  Note: I won't quibble over the name we give to our Father, for our Father has many names.  Some call upon Allah, some call upon a different name, but our Father knows who we mean when we offer our hearts up.  So whoever you may be, whichever right wing fundementalist attitude you try to enforce, know that our God knows you too.  Shake and quake in your resolve and dare to humble yourself with a more humane heart.  It may not be too late after all.  I challenge you to begin now.  Are you up to such a challenge?


Anonymous said...

Though you are entitled to your opinion, please don't try and make it appear that your opinion is the truth. You are sadly misguided that you think that we didn't try to achieve a diplomatic solution to the ruthless regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and all the other radical extremists that chose to use the hatred for our way of life and an excuse to kill innocent people.

The current foriegn policies have been in place for decades and you can chose to blame the current President for them all you want but it doesn't make it true. The US government has sought to spread freedom and Democracy throughout the world well before President Bush took office. If John Kerry happens to be elected you might as well get used to terrorism in our country because it sure will becoming. John Kerry and his mamby pamby sentitive war on terror is going to get meany more American's killed in this country and you can take that to the bank.

John Kerry is a wimp from the word go and he will not stand up to the terrorists our the other nations to defend us.

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting it draws paralells among the religious beliefs at play in the Iraq War.  As political pundits and the extreme left would suggest that the world views the US as interlopers and invasioin mongers, you've done well to suggest that Islamic fundamentalism is just as notorious as Christian, or Evangelistic fundamentalism, and is just as reckless with power.  It would seem Bin Laden and extremeist Islamic followers hold just as much disregard for the basic teachings of Islam as  the Christian right now in power in the US does.  One wonders which religion, which government, has failed to communicate, and with whom.  

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dad;
The war record since Reagan's times speak for themselves.  This is not a Republican versus Democrat situation--it is a United States of America problem.
The fact is, our country is a hostile enemy to the people from, Chechnya on down to Sudan.  There is a reason they don't like us.  
And you, Mr. Dad, being you failed to realize the bulk of that letter was to those who enter the leg of their last journey in order to attain, "Bliss".  That journey is one a jihad makes.  Again, it is my heartfelt emotion that war is wrong any way you slice it.  It makes sense politically, economically, and theologically for some, but it has absolutely nothing to do with being humane.  Go you war monger go.  

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dad, here are some more facts you might be interested in:
" During the number two's time as the company's number one, the number of Halliburton subsidiaries registered in tax-friendly locations ballooned from nine in 1995 to 44 in 1999.  The result?  A dramatic drop in Halliburton's federal taxes, which fell from $302 million in 1998 to less than zero -- to wit, an $85 million rebate -- in 1999. 
        At the same time they were hard at work stiffing U.S. taxpayers, Cheney and Halliburton were happily feasting at the public trough -- the company received $2.3 billion in government contracts and another $1.5 billion in government financing and loan guarantees.  During the vice-presidential debate, Cheney scored points responding to a Joe Lieberman zinger about the millions Cheney had made during the Clinton-Gore years by boasting that "the government had absolutely nothing to do" with his burgeoning bank account.  Only someone fully immersed in the corporate culture of our day could view $3.8 billion as "absolutely nothing."

It is big industry who are the vampires of this earth, sucking life out of us.  These industries don't give a rat's ass about improving the conditions of the countries they do business in.  
Dance to the tune of your Pied Piper, you rats.  Dance to your death.  Just don't take the rest of us down with you.

Anonymous said...

The sounds and words of a peacenick, but not a realist. We live in dangerous times because people don't like our freedom that we enjoy. It is not the majority of the Arab Muslim's that dislike us, it is the Islamic Arab extremists that use our desire to spread freedom and Democracy throughout the world as an excuse to kill and mame to get their way.

We didn't create the problems in the World as you seem to think, we are being blamed for it all just because we stand up to those who use terroristic tactics to force people to live under their control.

You act like a business is not supposed to make profits, Haliburton is no different then the law firms that continue to make millions and billions from the suffering of a few individuals. The difference is people don't look at what the damage that is being caused to the entire country when our healthcare costs and insurance costs are skyrocketing becuase lawyers are lining their pockets.

We wouldn't be talking about this if Cheney wasn't the CEO of Haliburton at one time. Which has nothing to do with anything unless you are a Bush/Cheney detractor and you can attempt to use it against them.

President Bush decided to go after the terrorists where they live instead of where we live and no matter how you feel about the war you have to agree that it is much better than having to fight it on our shores.

Anonymous said...

War can only be declared on a Sovereign nation you--that is unless you happen to be the United States of America.  Oh yeah, you must be the United States of America.  As for me, I'm an American with a conscience.  Call me whatever you wish, it is your right. You are beyond reasoning, sir.  Note, I once supported Bush, you can ask my friends.  At the risk of being a flip-flop (progressive thinker) I'll be working to impeach Bush and Cheney should they be re-elected.  I do expect them to be re-elected because the Republican party as a whole have become pasty-white nazi's under the name of Jesus Christ-even the black ones.  Wide is the pack of the wicked, narrow is the path of the few.  Go support the leader of the Bottomless Pit--Cheney, then Bush.   <smile> oh and, amen.