Thursday, September 2, 2004

Bush's New World Order

Bush's New World Order promised lower premiums for insurance but in California, Arnold is ordering an investigation after our state did that.  Why?  Seems the premiums were lowered 2% and the benefits were lowered 50%.  Some reform, folks, but that is how it works when we support a billion dollar industry selling air in hopes that you never need the service.  Bush's New World Order says he will seek out the poor communities and provide a medical outreach to them; nevermind that he didn't say how; what I want to know is who does he think he and his followers are kidding?  Think a drug card for the elderly will solve problems?  Yeah?  Well go to Indiana and ask the drug stores how Bush's little drug cards work.  So what do we see at work here?  Bush is pro-insurance industry and by the way, Hartford Insurance is one of his supporters.  Bush is pro-pharmeceutical industry and his little cards prove that but moreover the power he gave to F.Lilly is despicable.  What I see here is his version of utopia consists of these two things: he garnishes an elite class while the poor are enslaved to the rights belonging to the impoverished.  Shame on you all you Bush followers.  Shame, shame, shame.

Bush will reward people for investing in their future.  After the promise he made to America which was to provide 5 million jobs went bust costing us an additional million plus jobs, who has money left to invest?  So, those who have money they don't currently need to live, will be the people who reap rewards.  Note; he never said how he would reward you lucky suckers.

Bush mislead us into war on the premise of fear, terror, revenge and a "get them before they get us again mentality", and declared Kerry's statement that 'this situation is a complicated matter' was faulty; concluding that Kerry didn't support our troops.  In reality, Kerry was having problems supporting this war seeing as how the President's father supported Sadam Hussein.  The deaths of those people were due in part to Bush's (both of them) misunderstanding of the Fundementalist Right Wing of an Islamic territory.  They stuck an evil capitalist in the middle of Iraq and we watched as millions suffered under him.  Perhaps our brand of capitalism won't work for them.  Has anyone considered that?  Kerry has, but got knocked for it.

Then Bush insults our Islamic neigbors further by accusing them of fearing our freedom and announced that they should be afraid because we were coming.  His forward movement policies so far have been much like locusts swarming down and devouring the life breath out of those we deem to be our enemies.

In contrast he spoke of our freedoms.  Have any of you seen the post office lately?  There is a little Domestic Mail Issue involving media mail.  That includes books, tapes, cassettes, dvd's and cd's. Section E713.1.1 is a direct violation of our rights untilizing illegal search and seizure, only its legal now, because we are the ones who are afraid.  It violates our right to privacy and if you don't think it will touch you; I'd like to share my personal story with this 3 year old law.  In November of 2002, I sent my book off to registar it at the Library of Congress.  The book ended up in one place and my check ended up in the Dept. of Transportation.  Yup.  They opened it, got it screwed up at the Capitol and it would be another 6 months before I got another book sent off to them at my expense.  This is the America we have allowed ourselves to become.  Shame on us.  Shame. Shame. Shame.

If you vote for Bush, I want you to know, I do not accept your willingness to invite shame down upon my head.  That is your shame, brothers and sisters; not mine.


Anonymous said...

AMEN! Well said Chele.

Anonymous said...

I have no shame, sorry, darlin.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to tell you that you cannot blame all the ill's in the US on President Bush. The Healthcare and Insurance industries are to blame for the ridiculous cost of healthcare and  not the President. I don't know where you got your inflated number of jobs lost, but it is nowhere near 5 million and we have created over 2 million jobs in the past year.

That drug card was only a stop gap measure until 2006 when the full prescription drug coverage will take over. The way I look at it since they didn't have it before what they have now is much better.

You are just like many other Bush Bashers that try to blame everything on Bush and support Kerry who hasn't offered anyhting in the way of solutions.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dad;
#1 I don't blame it all on Bush, for certainly Cheney and you who voted for him are to blame.  Also, those of us who have gobbled up his Forward Movement policies are to blame.  Then there is the little matter of the Congress who are still rockin and realing from Bush SR. but don't get me started.
the drug companies wrote the plan he supports that privatizes Medicare.
the plan prohibits getting lower group rates for drugs
the plan he supports passing in 2003 would not take effect until 2006 and tries to lure people off Medicare to private plans that may not have catastrophic coverage.
he requested a provision be added to the dept of homeland security that frees drug companies from liability for putting mercury in vaccines that probably caused the huge rise in child autism. Mr. Dad, you can find all this at the Library of Congress and in the Senate Records.  Search, sir.  Your facts are grossly distorted.  
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
I've used available space but that being said, there is a place for you to start with your facts.  That last bit of information, Your president had shelved.  Go eat. Bon appetite.