Thursday, September 23, 2004

So much to do...

When one day is very much like the next and you have had a month of these kinds of days, you are bound to be tired.  Well, this is my story.  I've been busy with travel for political purposes.  I've written about much of it and have interviewed so many bright people from every realm.  I've tried to nurture my friendships and take care of my family the entire time.  Meanwhile at the salon, I got a jumpstart on the semi annual deep cleaning.  I never realized just how much crap I gather in six months time.  I had to redo my library at work and still have the kitchen area to do while I continue to work on clients.  Thank God, I've got two wonderful stylists who just came on board.  My efforts haven't gone unrewarded.  I've published 18 articles in 3 weeks times and have recieved a lot of comments by phone and folks dropping in on me in person at the salon with the purpose of discussing what they read.  I've been on NPR radio and am joining NOW.   This weekend I'll go to a hairshow because that is what I really do.   I am looking forward to seeing the folks on the Farouk Systems team because Farouk is close to my heart.  I gave that company my best for 9 years running and was honored beyond my wildest imagination.  So I'm really going up to honor the newest talent Farouk offers.  I'm looking forward to seeing the other teams from ISO and Joico products.  Nova Salon Systems have my favorite people in their lineup for this smaller show held up in Lake Tahoe.  I wish I could say I was excited but I'm so very tired right now.  The above pictures shows the fatigue written in my body language and etched into my weary face.  Perhaps by this weekend, I'll be revived.  I sure hope so. 

My favorite part about this up and coming weekend is that I get to spend it with my dear friend Alma.  She is such a wonderful woman and I look forward to spending time with her.  She is going to help me take a pic for the cover of my book, a shadow of a woman will be in gray scale, hopefully.  

 Tired.  So tired, I am.  I'm sorry to all who might read this because it isn't my best writing and my heart just isn't in it.  Soon my mind will shut down and my body will allow me to sleep--I hope.    Good night folks.

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