Friday, June 4, 2004


This past week hasn't been good for the arthritis or the fibromyalgia and it hurts to sleep and  I've been sleeping a lot. In my dreams I was diagnosed as having this physical pain because my spirit is seeking to be free from my body.  The body is too heavy without the bouyancy of the spirit, therefore I have pain.  So that diagnosis came out of a dream and when you weigh it against what the medical professionals have told me, it makes better sense.

Today, I heard through the grapevine that my love is going home.  The hole to my soul just got wider as I typed this.  There are two types of breath, one belonging to the body, one to the spirit.  My spirit is leaking.  It's leaking.  I wonder if a year from now there will be anything left to me or will I merely be a slab of flesh.

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