Saturday, June 12, 2004

I'll choose humor over irony today, thankyou.

Life is a serious event with serious consequences, but today it is packaged in humour.  I'm so in love with life today and my laughter is contagious to those around me.  Likewise, just a feather of their laughter ignites in me some belly driven guffaws.  Irony is serious in that it pokes fun at the shortcomings of ourself or others around us but humour does require a loving nature.  Its the difference in mocking or laughing at others and warming inside while you express love through the melody of laughter with others.  I love, therefore I laugh. 

 Disclaimer: at least for today.  Irony could return any moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your light is not that which reflex from some other bright object in the universe but from the steady glow that burns from within you.  Your words, your passion are a beacon.  Thank you...