Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The Toes Know

Well, today folks, we are supposed to be in the mood to talk.  Some of us will divulge too much personal information (like I'd know anything about that), some of us will become combative and should watch what we say, because the plutonian  influence for permanent damage hasn't been made clear to us, so you folks who love to argue, watch out--your words could truly hurt.  Just in case I'll be careful, too.

There are so many ways to communicate, and it doesn't always involve words.  Where the rivers of response require that you do two things, or at least one, focus on what you wish to respond to, and listen.  Listening isn't enough.  Some listen faster, not everyone listens at the speed of sound and this creates trouble for us when trying to communicate.  Those wanting to be heard think their audience isn't listening and therefore does not hear.  But my favorite audience is the audience of "one".  No words are needed.  Even my toes concur.

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