Monday, June 14, 2004


Below are some pictures from work last week.  It is a little slide show.  Feel free to take a peek. 

Some say our work defines who we are and I've often said work is just something we do, but today, I'm actually thankful for the work because it does occupy me and keep me from thinking about disappearing. 

I've got much to be thankful for and no, the man I married will never adore me, but I'm going to start asking him to at least try.  I really need to be loved.  I've got a lot of love to give, and I need to pass it on.  I know somewhere, someone out there is waiting to be loved by someone like me, but I am going to inflict my husband with my love now and he can just gripe his way through the rest of our life, that's the way its going to be. 

See???  Work really does take my mind off things--NOT!  But it helps.

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